Well, the time has come to begin getting this spare room ready for our newest addition who is on the way in about a month!! Keri was DETERMINED to help me paint...and I was so grateful for her expertise! We finished in about 2 1/2 hours, and we were very pleased with the way it looked!!

Keri painted the top line----which is certainly the hardest part!! It looks great!

The color is "Ryegrass" by Sherwin Williams.....The cutest green EVER!!
That is a cute green!! Can't wait to see it in person!!
Love ya,
How sweet of Keri to help out. I love the color and the cute decorations. Can't wait to see it!
Love, Mom
it looks great! I can't wait to see it...and HIM!! : )
How Fun! The color is fantastic. Baby Boy Davis is so lucky to have such a sweet, enthusiastic, loving, and beautiful Mommy! I know his nursery will be spectacular! Love you!!!
Dear Mrs. Davis, I love the color you picked for the nursery.I LOVE YOU! Love megan cascarella
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