Friday, August 08, 2008

Leaving Lackland-----------------August 7. 2008

Here is Jack...all dressed up in his "Leaving the Hospital Outfit" from Aunt Keri! She would have just loved seeing him ...and smelling him!! Jessica was sure proud of her boy!Jonny just can't get enough either!! So little!!He looked so tiny in his brand new carseat!! His outfit matched PERFECTLY! That was not even planned!! :)

We had a leisurely morning at the hospital. Jonny and Jessica slept in, while Jack and I tried to keep him fed, burped, changed, and warm! Jessica and Jack both had to get examined in order to be discharged, and both passes all their tests! They told us to watch Jack's color...he was showing small signs of jaundice, but they were not concerned. By the time the hospital finished with us, it was well after twelve!! We had a wonderful time in the hospital...but we were VERY ready to leave....even with the lumps in our throats! As you can see below, Jonny's sleeping arrangement was a bit less than comfortable!! His pillow was a freebie Similac bag containing a big bottle of formula!!


Anonymous said...

I am going to sit in front of my computer all day today hitting the reload button on your blog! Ha!

Jack is absolutely adorable. Can't wait to hold him.

Thanks for sharing.
Aunt Lois



You look very handsome in your going home outfit!

I hope your Daddy now has better sleeping arrangements!

:) Lindsay

Anonymous said...

Precious, precious pictures. Sweet, sweet baby Jack. I want to hold him and love on him -- can hardly wait to see you guys. Tell him Grandma and Granddaddy love him very much and give him kisses from us.
Love, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Such sweet, sweet pictures! I just can't resist looking again and again.


Sarah Hodges said...

hey Mdawg. It's Irene. I just wanted to say that you look snug as a bug on that hardwood floor! We miss you at WA. Can't wait 'til you're back!