Westminster's Field Days are always so much fun to attend...and this spring's was no exception!! Here is sweet Sydney holding Will's dog, Millie! Millie is fun to hold...but not as fun as Jack! :)
Jack was not at a loss for people that wanted to hold him!! He got quite a lot of attention from everyone! Here he is with Paula Williams, one of my sweet student's mom!

Here is my sweet man!

All of the students in the Upper School are divided into four "houses," Athanasius, Becket, Boniface, and Columba. All the houses are named for martyrs of the faith who have really incredible stories!
The four houses compete against each other in lots of different field day activities!

Lots of rivalries between the houses...but this picture was posed! :)

House Becket!

House Columba!

House Boniface!

Pretty cool teachers!!

Tug of war....It is a four-way rope!! Pretty cool!

House Athanasius!

The fearless Becket leaders!!

The Dog-Loving Athanasius leaders!

The real winner of the day....! Jocelyn got to hold Jack! Tee Hee!!

Sweet Sally and Millie!

Finally! Air conditioning!! How nice!

Three sweet friends......I think they were trying to catch another glimpse of Jack! :)