Friday, October 03, 2008

Go Titans!! ----------------September 2008

Jonathan and all his brothers met at Johnna and Aaron's home in Huntsville to go on their annual white water rafting trip to the Ocoee. I went along and spent the night with Johnna! We had lots of fun! We stayed through the end of the Titans' game on Sunday afternoon before we headed back to Mississippi.
He's crying because Vince Young isn't playing today!!

Okay.....all set now with a snack and the remote!!
That is much better......mama took the hat off!!
Where did that paci go? Have you seen my paci??!!??


Anonymous said...

What a sweet dimple!!!! Oh, he's so cute! I didn't get to hold him long enough last time....

Anonymous said...

I agree with Karen, Jack is so cute!! Can't wait for my turn to hold him!!

Anonymous said...

Take a number everyone!! There is going to be a long line waiting to hold that sweet boy. Thank goodness Jack is staying long enough for each of us to love on him. That Titans outfit is just too cute. Of course, it is the boy who makes the outfit!!
Love, Mom

Robyn Trowbridge said...

Well if they went to the Ocoee, then they HAD to pass through Cleveland where we live. We are about 3 miles south of the Wal-mart on highway 64! :-)

Robyn Trowbridge said...

P.S. He might have been sad that Vince Young wasn't playing, but that it why they WON again!

Jonathan and Julie Davis said... which Robyn in my life are you?? The one i pictured you being goes to my school!! If you live in Cleveland, it must not be you!

Fill me in!! :)
