Sunday, July 15, 2007

So Many Things Happening!

This day began with Jonny and I gettting up early to go out and shovel brick and mortar trash into the pickup truck so we could take it to the dump. I had woken up disappoited because our painter couldn't come today nor could we have our dirt delivered. It seemed as if this day was going to be a wasted work day..... But God reminded me gently while I layed there that I should give thanks in all circumstances.......for overbooked painters and for unscheduled dirt deliveries. Jonny and I had been working and shoveling for not even an hour when a crew from the Holly Springs Utility Division came out.......with a ditch witch! They were here to dig our underground electric line (from the pole to the mudroom). All of a sudden there was activity everywhere!! Then, within the hour, Larry Martin showed up to install our water treatment system (similar to a septic tank), and he brought a big backhoe and our huge 1000 gallon tank! Then our electrician showed up......he was wanting to get our electricity on for us!! He installed lights and put on some wall plates......Now we are ready for our air-conditioning to be turned on! What a day!! I was really glad I had chosen to be thankful.....God sure did bless us on this busy day!
Our huge tank arrived and parked in our front yard.
Here you can see the electric company and Larry Martin's equipment working side by side. So here is where our water treatment system will go....on the north side of the house.

And here is where all that fresh water will escape......... :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right, lots and lots of work going on. It won't be long now!! The wedding pics are beautiful! You are so blessed to have such wonderful families. It was so good to see you, Julie!! Hope you both had a wonderful anniversary!!
