Happy Birthday, Jack!! We are sooooooo thankful for our little boy!! What a wonderful, wonderful year it has been!! We never imagined how God would have made our lives so much better than they already were...but He surely did! A year ago, when Jack came into our lives, we gained both a son and a dear friend....Jack's birthmother, Jessica!!
We were so thrilled that she was able to come for his first birthday party! Jessica, Jake, and her mom Maria were all able to come and share our very special day!! Here is Jack with Jessica and her mom, Maria.

Jack LOVES people...and he was so excited that tons of his favorite people could come to his party! Here he is with Maria, Sara Kate, and Anna playing his favorite game: Peek-a- Boo!!

Before we let Jack have his cake, Jonathan said some sweet words and read scripture over our precious Jack! It made me cry.....and everyone else in the room!! Just to think that God knew Jack in Jessica's womb....and has planned all of his life out to the tiniest detail! God has already worked so many miracles out in Jack's life....and we are so grateful to have been able to watch them unfold, and be a special part of the plan!!

Here is Jack with Grammy and Poppy! (Jonathan's parents!)

Here is Jack with CC and Grumpy! (Our neighbors and Keri's parents!)

Here is Jack with the Smiths! (Our neighbors and best friends!!)

Here's Jack with Granddaddy and Grandma Green! (Julie's Parents!)

Here is Jack with Jake...Jessica's brother! Boy, do these guys look alike!!

What a fun, fun day!!