The girls finally had their turn to sleep over at Mrs. Davis' house!! It was VERY DIFFICULT to settle on a date that worked for everyone!

Girls can be VERY LOUD when you don't have much fabric in your house!! This has made us really consider getting curtains and rug(s) before Baby Davis arrives and his little cries echo loudly through our home!!
Here we are having our very fancy Chicken Parmesean Dinner...candles and all!!

The star of the night....believe it or not.....was LOGAN!! The girls were flipping through my
Christmas card book (I made a book of all my Christmas card photos....we flip to a new page everyday and pray for the people in the pictures...THAT should be incentive for you to send pictures to me at Christmastime!!)...and I noticed that later that night the book kept on being opened up to Logan's picuture. I finally asked if this was "coincidence," and was met with the quick reply of giggles, blushes, and a "He's so CUTE!!!!"

Later the evening, when we brought out the Welches Sparkling Grape Juice we toasted to Logan....They were quite dismayed when I wouldn't call him up at 10 p.m. at night!!

Here is Meg releasing some of her energy!!

The sleeping arrangements....See Jonny? He really enjoyed having the girls over! He loves them almost as much as I do!!! :)

We watched the Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant movie, "Charade." None of the girls had ever seen it...and they LOVED it! (Anna, you can borrow it sometime since you fell asleep through parts of it!! You were a very good sport!!)

Meg did her best to keep Anna awake........Later she tried to get the whole bunch to join her in a fun prank.....But unfortunately, they were all too tired. Better luck next time, Meg!!

Our candle-lit breakfast the next morning! It is fun to be girly!!! Hope to have you all back next year, girls!!