Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Derby Day!!-----May 2010

We celebrated Derby Day a little bit bigger this year!  The Smiths and the Walkers joined us for the festivities.  We had a VERY stormy day---in fact there had been no power up until ten minutes before the race...and then immediately after the race, they started covering tornado watches/warnings! So, we barely got the race in!  Of course, everyone wore their fancy hats (Aunt Ju Ju always has a stach to choose from!), we sang My Old Kentucky Home, and then we picked our horses and placed our bets!!  Sara Kate came in tops this year!!
Yes, Jack is always VERY into social events!!  He LOVED the idea of wearing a hat, singing, and watching horses on tv!!  He cheered and cheered and cheered!!!  (It looks like he cheered so much, all of his snaps came unsnapped!!)  That is NOT a dress....see the bulldozer!!??

Mmmmmm!  Hot Browns!!  The yummy sandwich of the Derby!
Lizzie agrees that all Derby Day Food is Super-Great!!

Anna brought in Anna-made cookies!
Derby pies and roses!!  More Derby Day Musts!!

I think Jack would call Derby Day a success!!  He surely did love the hats and all the people in his house!!  This is one social boy!!

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