Monday, March 15, 2010

Mt Juliet Christmas--December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas in Mt. Juliet!! This year Grammy bought mini nativity scene costumes and everyone got to dress up! No picture was perfect, but they were all precious! Unfortunately in this one it appears that Isaiah the lamb has crawled away!

We try to get to Mt. Juliet early enough so that we can all spend several days together. This year Jonathan, Jack, and I were there five days...and had tons of fun with Jonathan's five brothers and their families!

Here we are celebrating with the extended Davis family....and it was Matthew's turn to read the Christmas Story this year!
Adam, Melanie, Grace Ann, and Isaiah
Gilbert (Poppy) and Jane (Grammy)
Aaron, Johnna, Catherine, Claire, and Amy Kate
Matthew, Melanie, Will, Alex, Sophie, and Abby
Daniel, Christy, Hannah, and Benjamin
Andrew and Ashley
Jonathan and little Jack with his new hat!
Melanie bought a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake and we all celebrated!
We always sing Christmas carols around the piano....just for Grammy!
Then we sing "Wonderful Grace of Jesus" for us! We sing and laugh until we cry!
All the parts are hilarious....especially when the boys harmonize, "SING IT!"

So much fun!!

After the five days together, we headed to Kentucky on Christmas Day!!


Joyce said...

What fun! Love the children all dressed up portraying the nativity scene. Great idea!!

Anonymous said...


I've been keeping up with your blog and love to see each and every new post! Makes me want to find the time to drive down to MS just to find you all! I miss having friends near and don't seem to be making any new ones these days so I cherish each post that I see on blogs and on FB. Love to see all the pics of your families and the kids!! What memories you guys are making...I'm sooo jealous. Keep up the great job! I'm watching! Kelly Melvin Faulkner

Anonymous said...

Another of your "Dedicated Followers" says "Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to keep us involved in your wonderful life!!" We so enjoy the pictures and the hilarious and sweet commentary. We love you!! Mom and Dad Davis

Robbin Reeves said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!! Miss you guys!