Our 6 month update:
January has been an up and down month for Jack. Due to an ear infection, Jack went to the doctor back on January 9th, and he weighed 18 pounds!! Dr. Chidester couldn’t believe that Jack had gained two pounds in exactly a month!! She checked his ears and had to remove some wax to see way down in there! Jack did have a little ear infection in his left ear, so Dr. Catherine prescribed amoxicillin. We will be going back for our 6 month check-up on Friday, February 6th. Jack will turn turned 6 months old on Thursday, February 5th, and Saturday, February 7th, will mark six months since placement!
Jack is a happy, happy, happy baby! He wakes up smiling, smiles all day long, and goes to bed in good humor at night! He does get fussy when he is very hungry, when he has trouble pooping, and when he is over-tired, but on the whole is a VERY GOOD baby! Since he can roll over from his tummy to his back whenever he wants to, we have been letting him go to sleep on his tummy, which is the position he really prefers. This month, however, he has been Mr. Roly-Poly! As soon as we put him down on his tummy, he thinks it is really funny to roll over on his back to see us again. We might roll him back over three or four times before he settles into his sleep position…and sometimes he just stays on his back since he is so silly. This has been perfectly fine until he figures out he is on his back at 3 a.m.! (He does not know how to roll onto his tummy yet.) We had a hard time trying to decide whether we should flip him back over, or if we should just let him cry it out and fall back to sleep on his back. We tried both ways…and both ways worked sometimes and didn’t other times. We went through about a 2 week period this month where he would wake up every night around 3 a.m. crying. We are now sleeping through the night again, but now he has another funny habit! Jack will wake up at 6 a.m. and lay on his back and just talk and talk! He never cries, but he does end up sucking his thumb, falling back to sleep around 7 a.m., and then sleep until 8 a.m.. Mommy cannot wait to sneak into his room every morning and catch his eyes and wait for that big, big smile to break out across his face. Precious times!!
Jack has begun eating lots more solid food! Jack has been eating cereal from a spoon early in December, and although it began as a fight, he seems to really like it now. We start our day with rice cereal and formula, and then at lunch Jack eats a vegetable (his favorite one is carrots) and formula. In the afternoon he will eat a bowl of oatmeal and drink some formula, and then before bed he will drink one more bottle. (He is still eating around 26 ounces of Target Brand Formula each day.)
Everyday we have tummy time (time for Jack to learn to roll, crawl, sit up etc..), room time (This is time where Jack is awake and he plays in his room where I am out of sight for twenty minutes or so.), and time in the swing and bouncy seat. Our weeks have begun to follow a good schedule. On Mondays, Jack and I stay home all day. We play a lot together, and I work on cleaning the house, doing laundry, and cooking a big dinner for our little family and our best friends, the Smith family. Keri (Smith) and I have worked out a great little system: I cook for both our families on Monday and both families eat left-overs of that meal on Tuesday. We eat at church on Wednesdays, and then Keri cooks for both families on Thursday with left-overs available on Friday. It is really nice to only have to cook one big meal during the week…and we get to eat with our best friends twice a week!
On Tuesdays, we have a playful morning, and then Jack and I go over to the Smiths’ house next door. Jack plays with his three favorite little people and then takes his long afternoon nap, and I scrapbook with Keri and her two oldest girls, Lizzie and Anna, who are eight and six. We have dinner at home with Daddy and have a long night of playing with Jack! On Wednesdays Lizzie and Anna come over during the day for a science class with their Aunt Ju Ju, who is their home-school science teacher! We then have lunch with the girls, and then we go to the children’s SonShine program at church that evening. Jack goes to the nursery class with Ms. Stephanie, Jonathan works with the 3rd and 4th graders, and I teach Pre-K through 4th grade the Bible Lesson. On Thursdays, we visit Daddy at school, I attend a Bible Study with my old school friends, and we have dinner at the Smiths’ home. Fridays we head to school again so I can meet with my yearbook staff……so Jack gets to have lunch with Daddy. We try to stay home all day on Saturday and just enjoy our time at home together. Sundays, of course, we go to church together and watch football all day. (What will we do now that the season is over!!??) (Jonathan votes for nap-day!)
This month Jack didn’t travel anywhere fun, but Mommy went away on the MLK weekend to scrapbook with her sisters and sisters-in-law in
We had a great phone call from Jessica last night! We usually talk to her twice a month or so….but even when it is longer than that, it is wonderful how we can just pick up talking to her like it has not been anytime at all. What a blessing she is to us! What a blessing she is to Jack!! We are all so proud of her and of who she is. We genuinely love her to pieces….and could not say that any more strongly! We are really counting on seeing her soon for finalization. We can’t wait for her to see her sweet, sweet boy…and for him to lay eyes on her beautiful face—in person again!!
We just adore being parents. Jack is adorable and so fun to be with. Every day is like Christmas Morning….It is really fun to see him every morning! He didn’t seem to change a bunch this month, but his clothes are certainly smaller, and those two cute little teeth that he is cutting right now are surely going to change that sweet smile! How can someone so cute get even cuter!!?? I guess we will find out!
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