Whew!! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything on this blog!! We have been having a great autumn! We have been home to Kentucky--and the Smiths came too!! We had a great time making s'mores over the bonfire, feeding baby calves, climbing on the haystacks, playing baseball in the front yard, and eating WELL!! Lizzie and Anna (and Sara Kate) had a great time!!
I have been blessed with tons of work, 12 great kids in my class, and a huge family of 7 (Smiths + Davises) to keep me busy!! In school we are reading the book, Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. On Monday, we had the parents come in, dressed up in pirate garb, to kidnap their students!!! There were a lot of "ARRRRRRRGS" and the kids were blindfolded, shoved into cars, and taken to a local breakfast place for a treat! It was hysterical!! For my former students, you will be glad to know that this week we are hatching butterflies AND playing LOST TRIBE!! How fun is that???!!! We also started the WRITING PROCESS last week!! All of this fun stuff makes me miss my "Chicago babies!!" I especially missed you when I pulled out the Lost Tribe materials and saw your team names from last year: The Hummer Hunters, The Slick Snakes, etc....
Last night Jonny and I went to a Memphis Grizzlies game!! I have a student who gave us her season tickets for last night......It was a special night because 5 of my 12 students sang the national anthem with our school's choir!! It was such a treat to be there and see them! (and we saw lots of other interesting things....Like Yao Ming!! Man!!! He is so tall-- 7 '6"!) The Grizzlies lost, but I hardly noticed!! It was so much fun!
This weekend we are heading to Kentucky again----This time to see Joann! She isn't able to come for Thanksgiving or Christmas---(she will be coming in after Christmas for New Year's) ---so we are all coming in this week to see the Marlow gang!! I can't wait to see Austin walk!!
We will get in late Friday and then leave after church on Sunday. Maybe I will see you at church, Robbin. (Jonny said he thought he saw you the last time we were in---but you all were headed over to the other building!)
I have pictures I wanted to upload of school, the farm, the Grizzlies, etc....But this computer I am on will just not let me do it! So, hopefully soon there will be more pictures!!
Love to you all!!